TUTORIAL: How to build a To-do list Æpp – Part 1
Tutorial Overview
This tutorial series will teach you how to build a To-do list Æpp. You will learn how to:
- Develop a ToDoManager Sophia smart contract and write unit tests for it;
- Use the aeproject framework to build æpps: configuration of the project structure, compilation, deployment, running tests;
- Communicate between the frontend(SPA with Vue.js) and the Sophia smart contract;
The To-do list Æpp will be able to:
- create new tasks;
- list existing tasks;
- edit task name;
- change task status;
- delete task;
Once finished it will look like this:
- Installed aeproject framework (take a look over installing aeproject section)
- Some familiarity with the aeproject framework and development of Sophia smart contracts. If you are not there yet, we recommend checking some of these development tutorials.
- Installed git (installing git)
- Account with testnet funds (How to Get Testnet Funds – referencing tutorial)
This part of the tutorial series will show you how to develop a ToDoManager Sophia smart contract and write unit tests for it, using the aeproject framework.
The second part will focus on the communication between the frontend and the ToDoManager smart contract.
Initialize the smart contract project
First, open your terminal, create a new directory `
and bootstrap new aeproject project:
mkdir to-do-contract
cd to-do-contract
aeproject init
Creating the `
smart contract
touch ./contracts/ToDoManager.aes
Now we need to start coding our smart contract.
The entire code of our simple `
contract ToDoManager =
record todo = {
name: string,
is_completed: bool}
record state = {
map_user_todos: map(address, map(int, todo)),
map_user_todo_count: map(address, int),
map_user_todo_id: map(address, int)}
stateful entrypoint init() =
{ map_user_todos = {},
map_user_todo_count = {},
map_user_todo_id = {}}
entrypoint get_todo_count(user: address) : int =
Map.lookup_default(user, state.map_user_todo_count, 0)
private function get_todo_id(user: address) : int =
Map.lookup_default(user, state.map_user_todo_id, 0)
stateful entrypoint add_todo(todo_name: string) : int =
let new_todo : todo = {
name = todo_name,
is_completed = false}
let count = get_todo_count(Call.caller) + 1
let id = get_todo_id(Call.caller) + 1
put(state{map_user_todos[Call.caller = {}][id] = new_todo})
put(state{map_user_todo_count[Call.caller] = count})
put(state{map_user_todo_id[Call.caller] = id})
stateful entrypoint edit_todo_state(todo_id: int, is_completed: bool) =
let current_todo : todo = get_todo_by_id'(Call.caller, todo_id)
let edited_todo : todo = {
name = current_todo.name,
is_completed = is_completed}
put(state{map_user_todos[Call.caller][todo_id] = edited_todo})
stateful entrypoint edit_todo_name(todo_id: int, todo_name: string) =
let current_todo : todo = get_todo_by_id'(Call.caller, todo_id)
let edited_todo : todo = {
name = todo_name,
is_completed = current_todo.is_completed}
put(state{map_user_todos[Call.caller][todo_id] = edited_todo})
stateful entrypoint delete_todo(todo_id: int) =
let todos: map(int,todo) = Map.lookup_default(Call.caller, state.map_user_todos, {})
let updated_todos = Map.delete(todo_id, todos)
put(state{map_user_todos[Call.caller] = updated_todos})
let count = get_todo_count(Call.caller) - 1
put(state{map_user_todo_count[Call.caller] = count})
entrypoint get_todo_by_id(id: int) : todo =
let todos: map(int,todo) = Map.lookup_default(Call.caller, state.map_user_todos, {})
let result = switch(Map.lookup(id, todos))
// None => {}
Some(x) => x
entrypoint get_todos() =
let user_todos = Map.lookup_default(Call.caller, state.map_user_todos, {})
let todos = Map.to_list(user_todos)
private function convert_bool_to_string(expression: bool) : string =
true => "true"
false => "false"
private function get_todo_by_id'(user: address, id: int) : todo =
let todos: map(int,todo) = Map.lookup_default(user, state.map_user_todos, {})
let result = switch(Map.lookup(id, todos))
// None => {}
Some(x) => x
As you can see, the contract stores users tasks by their index, a map that stores users total number of tasks, and an additional map which helps us get a user todo id.
A user can create task using the `
add_todofunction and change a task status with
. In addition, a user can check the total number of tasks with `
, edit a task name with `
, delete a task with `
, and get a task by its index via `
Writing unit tests for the smart contract
Although we have finished the code of the smart contract, we are not done yet. We still need to deploy the smart contract and verify that it’s working.
Let’s go to the `
folder of the project and create a new test file.
touch ./toDoManagerTests.js
In our tests we will deploy the contract to the local network spawned by aeproject and interact with the deployed contract.
We will test the contract functionalities as follows:
- Create a task;
- Should create a task successfully
- Get tasks;
- Should get tasks count successfully
- Should get all tasks successfully
- Complete a tasks;
- Should add a task and return false if the task is not completed successfully
- Should add a task and return true if the task is completed successfully
- Edit a task;
- Should get a task name by task id successfully
- Should change a task name by task id successfully
- Delete a task;
- Should delete a task successfully
The final version of the test script file – `
const Deployer = require('aeproject-lib').Deployer;
const TODOMANAGER_CONTRACT_PATH = "./contracts/ToDoManager.aes";
describe('ToDoManager Contract', () => {
let deployer;
let ownerKeyPair = wallets[0];
before(async () => {
deployer = new Deployer('local', ownerKeyPair.secretKey)
it('Deploying ToDoManager Contract', async () => {
const deployedPromise = deployer.deploy(TODOMANAGER_CONTRACT_PATH) // Deploy it
await assert.isFulfilled(deployedPromise, 'Could not deploy the ToDoManager Smart Contract'); // Check whether it's deployed
describe('Interact with contract', () => {
describe('Contract functionality', () => {
let instance;
beforeEach(async () => {
const deployedContract = deployer.deploy(TODOMANAGER_CONTRACT_PATH);
instance = await Promise.resolve(deployedContract)
describe('Create a task', () => {
it('Should create a task successfully', async () => {
let taskName = 'Task A';
let addTask = await instance.add_todo(taskName);
describe('Get tasks', () => {
it('Should get tasks count successfully', async () => {
let taskName = 'Task A';
let secondTaskName = 'Task B';
let expectedTasksCount = 2;
await instance.add_todo(taskName);
await instance.add_todo(secondTaskName);
let taskCount = (await instance.get_todo_count(ownerKeyPair.publicKey)).decodedResult
assert.equal(taskCount, expectedTasksCount)
it('Should get all tasks successfully', async () => {
let taskName = 'Task A';
let secondTaskName = 'Task B';
await instance.add_todo(taskName);
await instance.add_todo(secondTaskName);
let allTask = await instance.get_todos(ownerKeyPair.publicKey)
describe('Complete a tasks', () => {
it('Should add a task and return false if the task is not completed successfully', async () => {
let taskName = 'Task A';
let addTask = (await instance.add_todo(taskName)).decodedResult;
let getTask = (await instance.get_todo_by_id(addTask)).decodedResult.is_completed;
it('Should add a task and return true if the task is completed successfully', async () => {
let taskName = 'Task A';
let addTask = (await instance.add_todo(taskName)).decodedResult;
await instance.edit_todo_state(addTask, true)
let getTask = (await instance.get_todo_by_id(addTask)).decodedResult.is_completed;
describe('Edit a task', () => {
it('Should get a task name by task id successfully', async () => {
let taskName = 'Task A';
let addTask = (await instance.add_todo(taskName)).decodedResult;
let getTask = (await instance.get_todo_by_id(addTask)).decodedResult.name;
assert.equal(getTask, taskName)
it('Should change a task name by task id successfully', async () => {
let taskName = 'Task A';
let newTaskName = 'Task B';
let addTask = (await instance.add_todo(taskName)).decodedResult;
await instance.edit_todo_name(addTask, newTaskName)
let getTask = (await instance.get_todo_by_id(addTask)).decodedResult.name;
assert.equal(getTask, newTaskName)
describe('Delete a task', () => {
it('Should delete a task successfully', async () => {
let taskName = 'Task A';
let addTask = (await instance.add_todo(taskName)).decodedResult;
let deleteTask = await instance.delete_todo(addTask)
Compiling the contract
Next step is to run our local network and compiler on docker with the following command:
aeproject env
Compiling the contract
Now let’s compile the contract with the following command:
aeproject compile
Testing the contract
Let’s run the tests with the `
aeproject test`
command and wait for the result. It should look like this:
===== Starting Tests =====
ToDoManager Contract
✓ Deploying ToDoManager Contract (7018ms)
Interact with contract
Contract functionality
Create a task
✓ Should create a task successfully (5333ms)
Get tasks
✓ Should get tasks count successfully (10935ms)
✓ Should get all tasks successfully (10914ms)
Complete a tasks
✓ Should add a task and return false if the task is not completed successfully (5610ms)
✓ Should add a task and return true if the task is completed successfully (10910ms)
Edit a task
✓ Should get a task name by task id successfully (5598ms)
✓ Should changing a task name by task id successfully (10896ms)
Delete a task
✓ Should delete a task successfully (10640ms)
9 passing (2m)
If you get an error saying `
Cannot find module ‘aeproject-utils’`
, execute the below command on your project directory and re-execute the aeproject test command.
npm install aeproject-utils prompts aeproject-logger
Deploying the contract to testnet
The testnet is a wonderful place where you can experiment with the To-do list Æpp without worrying that a mistake will cost you real tokens.
We will use aeproject to deploy our contract to the testnet. The sample deployment script is scaffolded in deployment folder – `
Let’s configure our deployment script. We have to change the contract path from `
. The `
file should look like this:
const Deployer = require('aeproject-lib').Deployer;
const deploy = async (network, privateKey, compiler, networkId) => {
let deployer = new Deployer(network, privateKey, compiler, networkId)
await deployer.deploy("./contracts/ToDoManager.aes")
module.exports = {
The deploy command is:
aeproject deploy -n testnet
The expected result should be similar to this:
===== Contract: ToDoManager.aes has been deployed at ct_28HXSRkYyQDr4nRzYuUTDyRxy9NGJRYuTpi5LUiyvb7oG9tJaj =====
Your deployment script finished successfully!
Please save the deployed contract address. In my case – `
. We will use it in the second part of the tutorial series.
Let’s briefly recap what we did during this tutorial. We created a basic `
contract that can:
- create a new task;
- read a specific task;
- edit a specific task;
- delete a specific task;
- get all tasks;
- get total tasks count;
- get task by index;
We wrote basic unit tests for the contract. Then we compiled it and deployed it to the `
. The deployed contract address will be used in the next tutorial.
We still don’t have a frontend for our To-do list Æpp and this is our ToDo (pun intended) for the second part of the tutorial series. If you encounter any problems please check out the video tutorial on YouTube.